Contact Us
Call: +1 702 268 9292
Structure Wrap
3651 Lindell Road,
Las Vegas,
NV 89103
Your artwork is output using the latest print machine technology to ensure high quality printed graphics that will stand out. We know what works and can advise you on the best materials for the job in hand.
Fabric dyesub for all internal fabric tensioning systems with varying finish materials.
UV Grand Format for all our outdoor PVC applications for robust vibrant print output.
Organizing such large graphics projects from our production facility requires strategic planning and handling to make sure everything gets to site on time and intact. We use dedicated vehicles when transporting your graphics items to site. This ensures the right care is taken to provide our installers everything for your project to go smoothly on site.
Structure Wrap
3651 Lindell Road,
Las Vegas,
NV 89103